Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Green Week

This week is Green Week. Our school wide focus is on NZ birds.
Tuatahi are doing some learning about the Kiwi bird.
We have been learning about where they live, what they eat and what they look like.
Image result for Image of a kiwi birdWe are also painting some pictures of a Kiwi.
Look out for our new display coming soon!

We are also learning this song to sing in assembly on Friday, You might like to practise singing it at home.
Cheeky Little Fantail


  1. Some super Green Week learning! Thanks for the link to the song - love Cheeky Little Fantail.

  2. Happy singing Ms Whysall


Pop Pop Popcorn!

  It was a pop pop pop popcorn kind of day on Friday! First we decorated our boxes. Next we cut and folded our boxes, we had to think carefu...