Friday, March 27, 2020

Welcome to Fun Friday!

Morena Tuatahi, welcome to Friday!

Here is a counting song to exercise to help you start the day.
                        counting to 100

And because it's Friday, you might like to teach your family our 'Fun Friday' dance-have fun!
                 The Chicken Dance

Here are some learning activities for today, we hope you have fun.

Don't forget to do lot's of reading, and listen to some stories on RNZ

Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. Great learning challenges! I think Tuatahi tamariki will be having fun.

  2. thanks Ms Mitchell, we hope all our lovely learners are having fun at home!

  3. Thanks for including a link to RNZ Storytime - I will listen to some stories this week!
    Stay safe and well everyone.


Pop Pop Popcorn!

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