Friday, September 6, 2019

Run, Run as fast as you can..........

We loved it when Mrs Fletcher, our Principal, came into our class during book week and shared the story of  'The Gingerbread Man.' So we decided to follow this up by making our own gingerbread men!
We read books, and made a story board, and even did some writing in our books about our gingerbread men.
Here are some photos of our Fun Friday gingerbread morning!
 We read stories about the gingerbread man.
 Mrs Fletcher told us a story using the story board.

 We rolled, cut and decorated our gingerbread men.
 Eva even made a mask of the gingerbread man!
 Yum-all cooked and waiting to be eaten!

Here we are pretending to be the hungry fox-yum!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tuatahi. Your gingerbread men made the staff room smell delicious when they were cooking in the oven!


Pop Pop Popcorn!

  It was a pop pop pop popcorn kind of day on Friday! First we decorated our boxes. Next we cut and folded our boxes, we had to think carefu...