Morena Tuatahi
Kei te pehea koutou katoa-how are you all this morning?
It was fun seeing you all on Google Meet yesterday, and we look forward to seeing you again today.
Remember to bring paper, pen, and something that begins with the letter r to share with us today.
If you have a hopscotch pattern you made from squares, you may like to bring that to share also.
Let's begin today's learning with some fitness.
Now you are ready for some learning!
Click on the video below to practise the sound for rClick on the video below to practise writing the letter r
Remember you can make this more challenging by trying to say the word before the voice on the video, and by writing the word down once you have said it.
There are lots of squares in this picture-you may be able to print it out and colour in the squares. If you can't print it out, see how many you can count and try writing the number down-good luck!
Click on the video below to practise counting forwards and backwards to 20
Kia ora Tuatahi, I hope you are all doing well in your home bubble. You have a lot of interesting learning activities to work on! Remember to read every day and fill in your reading log. The letter R, hmm... I can see a rug on the floor. I also saw a rainbow when I was out walking this morning! Stay safe and take care.