Morena Tuatahi
Kei te pehea koutou katoa-how are you all?
Thank you all for your support and encouragement with our home learning over the past weeks. We have seen a lot of Manaakitanga and Manawanuitanga, and have really enjoyed having the opportunity to connect with you all during Google Meets and blog postings.
We can't wait to see you all again next term and we are excited to get the next part of our learning journey underway.
We know you will continue to think about our school values as you enjoy the holidays with your whanau.
If you are stuck for ideas during the holidays, here are a few ideas to help you out.
Kia pai to ra-have a nice day
Ka Kite Tuatahi
Happy holidays Tuatahi tamariki, I hope you all have a lovely break with your whanau. Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful work and learning on the blog this term, you have all worked really hard. Take care, ka kite anō au i a koutou.