Morena Tuatahi
Kei te pehea koutou katoa-how are you all?
Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori
Today we are going to use Te Reo to ask what some ones name is.
Ko Wai to Ingoa-what is your name?
Ko Philippa Toku Ingoa-my name is Philippa
Have a go at practising how to ask some one their name in Te Reo, these videos below will help you.
Now it is your turn to write your own sentence using the word big. Reading
Here is a story called 'How the Kiwi Lost its Wings'
This story below is a Maori myth and is read in
Te Reo. I enjoyed listening to the words and imagining what the story was about-I hope you enjoy this opportunity also!
How fast can you read these sight words-are you getting quicker?
Remember to begin with magenta, and only move to red and yellow if you feel ready for that challenge.
Tino pai tamariki-great reading!
Are you getting quicker at counting to 10 in Te Reo-count along here with Tu.
Let's keep working on our focus of counting forwards from any number.
Numbers to 10
Numbers to 20Kia pai te ra-have a good day Tuatahi and we look forward to seeing you in our Google Meet.
Ka kite
Kia ora Tuatahi, you have got great learning happening on your blog. I wonder if you had heard the word of the day before...aroha. It is a beautiful word, to show aroha is to show love and kindness. Keep up the great learning Tuatahi