Friday, November 29, 2019

An awesome car ramp!

Harper made this awesome car ramp out of the magnetics. He had to do some problem solving to work out how to attach the side magnets onto his ramp. He showed perseverance and resilience.
Great job Harper!

Volcano fun in the sandpit!

We made volcanoes in the sandpit.
We poured vinegar over the baking soda and watched the bubbly lava flow out.
We were amazed at the 'reaction' that occurred once the baking soda and vinegar mixed together.

Great team work everyone!

Letter Blitz

Our middle and senior school had a visit from the Drain team, who taught them about keeping rubbish out of our drains, so that we can keep the oceans clean.
At the end of their learning, our school took part in a Litter Blitz. This involved walking around our school and local area collecting rubbish, so that it doesn't end up in the drains.
Here are some pictures of us with our gloves on, ready to go on our rubbish hunt!
Many thanks to our lovely parents who helped out on our Litter Blitz walk.

 Riley found one of 6 golden tickets that were planted around our school and community-great hunting Riley! He won a special tidy kiwi t-shirt.

A busy week!

We began our week with some baking. We made yummy piklets.
We have been learning many new words:
We enjoying taking turns to measure and mix the ingredients together.

But the best part of all was cooking and eating them!!

Friday, November 22, 2019

maths-shape sorting

We enjoyed our maths activity this morning. 
To sort the shapes, we had to think about the colour and name of the shape before gluing them into the correct column on the sheet.

Building fun

 Samantha and Noah made a luxurious kennel for a dog. Can you spot the doggie bath?
Riley made a pyramid.


Some of our learners are learning to sound out words by saying the beginning, middle and end sound of a word.
Here are some of the activities we do to help us hear the sounds.

More floating and sinking

We continued on with our floating and sinking theme this week.
Some of our learners made boats out of different materials, and enjoyed testing them on the water-they all floated!

When we put a ball of modelling clay into the water it sunk. Some of our learners tried to change the shape of the modelling clay into a boat shape to see if it could float. Alex and Johnson had some success!!Well done boys.

Pop Pop Popcorn!

  It was a pop pop pop popcorn kind of day on Friday! First we decorated our boxes. Next we cut and folded our boxes, we had to think carefu...