Tuesday, September 4, 2018

sharing our creativity!

Today during play based learning we put out some boxes and other recycled packaging. Here are some of the fabulous creations that were made.


  1. Hi I am Lillia from Room 8 and I really like your creations. If you want to see my learning go to https://odslilliac.blogspot.com/

  2. Hi this is Questyn from Room 8. You are doing really well with recycling. I like what you made. Here is a link to my learning blog: http://odsquestynw.blogspot.com/

  3. THanks Lillia and Questyn. We look forward to checking out your blog!


Pop Pop Popcorn!

  It was a pop pop pop popcorn kind of day on Friday! First we decorated our boxes. Next we cut and folded our boxes, we had to think carefu...