Friday, June 26, 2020

Funky feet Friday!!

Thank you for supporting our Funky Feet Friday!  Walking, scootering and biking to and from school is an excellent way to include daily physical activity into your child/ren’s life, and support us to be a Travelwise School. A bonus is that this also helps to reduce traffic chaos at the school gate, which is very important for student safety.

 Do you know who these 'funky' feet belong to?

While we were on the mat we heard a strange jingling noise. These detectives decided to go and investigate where the noise was coming from.....

Luckily they were able to solve the mystery. The jingling came from the bells on Mrs Johns Funky Feet!!


  1. Fantastic funky feet Tuatahi (and Mrs Johns)! Thank you for supporting our Travelwise Day.

  2. What a bunch of funky feet. Great stuff Tuatahi!


Pop Pop Popcorn!

  It was a pop pop pop popcorn kind of day on Friday! First we decorated our boxes. Next we cut and folded our boxes, we had to think carefu...