Monday, March 30, 2020

It's holiday time!

Morena Tuatahi

Today is the start of our two week holiday. We realise the importance of giving your child a break from learning, and so use this time to recharge your batteries!
However, if you would like some little challenges to keep you going over the break, some ideas are included below.

You can begin your day by counting and exercising at the same time!
        Jack Hartman count to 100
        Patty Shulka count to 100

You can also practise counting backwards from 20 with   Count back cat
Remember when counting backwards from 20 that you are saying 'teen' and not 'ty'!

And for having fun-Stand up -sit down

Reading every day is very important. Don't forget to check out the stories on National Radio
National radio stories

Here is a story we have read in class called 'The Selfish Crocodile'     The Selfish Crocodile
Happy reading and happy holiday-we will post some more challenges next Monday which are of course optional.

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